Friday 10 July 2015

The Untold

Even I, the untold story of the future present in the present as a product of a past in reconciliation with moments of memories ago.
The tragedy of misconstrued feelings as against thoughts and actions that flips over unknown to known with trial and circumstance, a twin of desperate times beckoning desperate measures to survive and live to see the untold told as living the dream of yesterday.
The agony of achieving success through failure just to break even.
Let I the untold represent the future of the present and by all means a motions picture in realty's tale. A fragment of existence to be reckoned with, a matter in time to father a generation unborn in time.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Presumptuous - The Sinners Prayer

I don't presume that the truth is a fallacy of another truth, the one I presumed to be true. Predicting the denial of that which is true to paint a picture that is bared to lie on a wall empty of a frame - posing in the pain of agony to be left out in the cold praying that time should end crying tears to blood, for eternity to become a second.

Presumptuously  presuming that that which is presumed true, be true, cos walking the water and loosing faith has sank me deep in sin, so I pray the sinners prayer "Lord forgive me".
I stand in the conscience of my thought presuming what I've presumed to be true that we are all alike but different by just a like amongst a few, the future astronauts in the sky or the  proposed miners down south, the joke that is no joke but the reality of a truth that when it shall be it shall be. Tie the knot in expectation that a moment could end in a flick of a second to be continued in the eternity of forever, by far the farthest existence of mans reality living deep in time with pleasure or with pain.

What a presumptuous thought presuming true not true to be true, a felony of ignorance to pretend to know the truth but still not realise the truth, that reality is now and after now a continuation of one from the other as the set order of things to live once and die once.

Possessed by the perversion of our hearts we greedily ate of the forbidden fruit just to quench the hunger of desire burning deep within us and yet not satisfied that what will kill us is killing us, living life for rent at the expense of vanity making no living out of life. Buried alive under the pressure of what is right and what is wrong or which is good and which is bad, the weight of choice that then appear as the consequence of its action that either slaves or saves.

Friday 19 June 2015


Sometimes all that is, is all there is. The insignificance of life is living without life dead to reality existing only by breath. Rumour has it that the future exists, the circumstance of a past that turned a present. Life in its own is everything that is and by the forces that made the heaven and earth to be, what will be has been. Consequently it begins to unfold minutes after the next second before the hour.
Trials with tribulations scourge the heart troubling desperate soul seeking to find power to overcome the strength required to conquer failure just to breath weal.

"I suppose that what we hold of the truth is our perception of its view faced from various points. The knowledge of understanding the nature of things requires wisdom to fulfil intellect with ample information to make the right decision of choices... Either you do or don't, whether you live or die, maybe you be bound or free implies that even the options are limited"

A dime at a time and a desert is set, a drop at a moment and an ocean is filled.
Sometimes all that will be is all that has been. Whether for a reason or by chance, the out come of all things pends on the result of an action. Truth of all is the truth for all, the act of one cursed us all. Our home turned against us, even the earth rebelled our existence,  our inheritance stolen thus beginning our search for the cure, to live life with life significantly alive, to dress our butchered soul with white as snow. The ultimate need of man to know the outcome of the present in life before death. I as one of so many seeks to reckon the past with the present and present a better picture of the future. Willingly hoping that the cure I find saves me


In these arms lie my flaws carrying on a weight that choice has placed upon my heart numbering each day of pain to have fallen in damnation right across the path of life. Talk of the devil as my mind comes in, juxtaposing misery for happiness pain for joy likewise as agony for sorrows. Tears are dropping out of the soul of my heart and I can feel it burning to the core of my sanity, feeling caught by the sense of my conscience.

Time will tell if time will tell what ever time will and by the time time will the deal is past done. Long before now and long after now souls have passed through this pilgrimage heading this way or that...

And feeling what I'm feeling undernotes the feelings I have for feeling. I have consciously come to realise that the need for a truth is a reason for a lie looping the end that we justify with means. Lying across the template of my opinion is the notion that what will be will be.

Tuesday 14 April 2015


That I'm here, is it because I went there?
Where I have come to know the right of wrong and maybe the good of bad, and walked through the left of right.
Taking steps of consciousness to where  I have fallen into the well of temptation where sin sinks deeper than hell, heated in the burning desires of hidden pleasure.

Fading slowly into oblivion all along with these demons, where all that is buried lives in silence...
Before the dying dies let this word of prayer be sacrificed - "in peace shall you rest". The beginning of yet another end sealed in eternity, another bundle of tantrum.

a different truth has come to light, one that lies under the shadow of disguise. Shall if the truth wish to lie where then shall it be put to rest, therefore I whisper silently in the solemness of heart seeking a new leaf to turn.

Thursday 9 April 2015


Frozen is the night that cries in the dark
lonely and frightened in a shadow so black,
The peace in death I seek not to find
If it's a debt owed I seek not its fine.
Scared is the night that fades in the light
In guilt and shame, hides the face of the night,
The peace in silence I seek to kill with vengeance
For in forgiveness I seek repentance.

Tide in waves out comes each day
by the seconds the toll is paid, day by day
The peace in patience I seek to disarm
for it seems that time waits for no man.

Monday 30 March 2015

Left Behind

Till forever stops tomorrow keeps going, never to return...
As for today, hope is her license to wait the return of her
beloved who in search of the silver lining, wandered into
the shadow of the moon leaving behind faded memories
of moments shared.

So, as today bears the loss of a beloved, a feeling of
total rejection as hope withers under tears.
feeling the existence of tomorrow's absence who
will forever sail into forever...

And it shall be that when I think of today,
That I shall remember beyond the past of its beginning
reminiscing what could have been
If only yesterday survived to see today.
... Shocking to say, - "the beginning is just a means to an end" -
the end I'm yet to find because what began yesterday ended not today.

Remember not to forget what began when man ran to survive
hoping to live for tomorrow, and ,
with pain he thrived
in sorrow...
Killing and dying to survive, -the agony of his MORTALITY-
yet another day  -a prayer of despair-ity.-

Yes we are related but distant like a future from a past,
Seeing you leave never to return tricks my heart
to beating fast.
I just hope when these tears fall
You answer my hearts call.
And run into my arms where two becomes one.