Friday 19 June 2015


In these arms lie my flaws carrying on a weight that choice has placed upon my heart numbering each day of pain to have fallen in damnation right across the path of life. Talk of the devil as my mind comes in, juxtaposing misery for happiness pain for joy likewise as agony for sorrows. Tears are dropping out of the soul of my heart and I can feel it burning to the core of my sanity, feeling caught by the sense of my conscience.

Time will tell if time will tell what ever time will and by the time time will the deal is past done. Long before now and long after now souls have passed through this pilgrimage heading this way or that...

And feeling what I'm feeling undernotes the feelings I have for feeling. I have consciously come to realise that the need for a truth is a reason for a lie looping the end that we justify with means. Lying across the template of my opinion is the notion that what will be will be.

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